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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring ahead

Sunday was the first day of my workweek. It was Daylight saving time, so after experiencing this as a night shift worker for 20 years, I got to experience it as someone who had to adjust as a dayshifter. Thank god I live in a time where the clocks, and my phone adjusted themselves. All I had to do was wake to the alarm. The rooster cock-a-doodle do on my phone.

As those who know me can tell you, one of my peculiar obsessions is that clocks reflect the actual time. I'm also a punctuality nut. Part of this continuum is being judgmental of people who hit the snooze button. Like a dire Calvanist minister, if you set an alarm for a specific time, get up.
If you hit snooze you are fundementally flawed and weak, and predestined to a fiery finale.

Back in the day when my wife thought my peculiarities were amusing, rather than just annoying, she gifted me an atomic clock.
"What does it do?" I asked. "Isn't it just a clock?" I said suspiciously.
"It sets itself from a sattelite." She smiled knowing how this would make me glow.
"ooooooooooo" I said. "So the time is always accurate?"
"Yes, to the second."
"So no one can set it ahead, or behind?" I cooed.
"No, the clock sets itself to the exact time." she beamed. It's rare when a gift can match a persons oddness so perfectly.
I hugged her, feeling technology had saved me from a cold dark inconsiderate universe. If the clocks were accurate how could anything go wrong?

So today, while my body said it was 3:46 am, I was confident it was 4:46 when I got up and intercepted the phone before the rooster crowed. Then I looked at the atomic clock that was illuminated above my sleeping wife. My phone and the clock were showing the same time, and it was good. As awful as I felt, I was comforted that I was synchronized with a satellite.

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