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Friday, March 5, 2010


Had to go get the CPAP machine tuned up. I got a new water reservoir, tubing, mask. I told the tech what Julie said about my reservoir was growing things. She concurred with Julie, and said she'd have to get a glove to handle it. In fact her reaction, demeanor, horror, dismay at the fungi growing in the reservoir was exactly like Julie's. It's kind of sad that health care pros have to nip all my lazy short cuts with SCIENCE. Sigh.... I thought about a full mask, but with my beard there were too many leaks. I asked the tech if she ever saw the Soprano episode where Junior was being fit with a CPAP mask, and Tony scoffed, "How many Meschershmidts have you shot down today?" Anyhow, we'll see if it works, I have two overtime shifts this weekend, sleep will be a premium.

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