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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Reaction to Health Care

It is simply crazy. The GOP is couching it in terms of freedom, liberty, patriotism. It has NOTHING to do with any of that, but it affirms what Samuel Johnson said famously, "the last refuge of a soundrel is patriotism."  Or the US Constitution. The GOP relies on the fact that their receptive audience doesn't read, relies on FOX news, and wouldn't know the Constitution if it hit them in the head. The GOP is only interested in protecting the profits of a pernicious, heartless insurance system.  When you cut desperate people off from their insurance to keep your profits over a certain average to please Wallstreet, there is only one description for that. Evil.  Whether AETNA or Blue Cross makes 45 percent on their investment or 30 percent has nothing to do with my liberty, or my identity has an American.  I think making sure my neighbor has the care they need, in their time of need is a higher value.
What's sad is how successful the GOP was for 8 years of the Bush administration, when the fear of homosexuals and then Qaida boogie men kept them in office, despite the majority of the people that voted for them, were voting against their economic self interest.  Karl Rove and Dick Cheney had better hope there's nothing to Karma.  Now we see their new talking heads Boehner and McConnel bleating on their fear mongering nonsense.  The sheep are avidly listening and posting their BS.  Retweet. It's a word.  LOL
Health care reform is such a no brainer if you have a smidgen of humanity and compassion. The GOP keeps saying the Democrats will get punished in the next election, I think they are underestimating the number of people the insurance industry abandonned and the number of families they condemned to bankruptcy or worse.  It's a farce.

I'm sure it just kills the right that Obama, a black man accomplished something that no other president since Teddy Roosevelt could.
This does so much good, let the GOP run on the platform of repealing it. That's a sales pitch I want to see them attempt to deliver. LMAO.  Make my progressive day.

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