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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

crazy people in the news, spring thaw, I'm a weather wimp

The news has a couple of items that are just stunning. Rep. Eric Massa's playing out the end of his political career. Eric buddy, just don't slink off the stage quietly. Lindsay Lohan's lawsuite against E-trade, and last but not least, Jihad Jane, the suburban Philadelphia woman who was recruited by Qaida via the internet, to murder a Swedish Cartoonist.
Remember a simpler time when loons like the PA woman would content themselves to marrying someone on death row? Oh the perils of a wired
world. A world where your's truly is blogging. EEEEK!

The weather is very wet, drippy, and there's just one patch of ice on the shadowy strip outside my garage door. A place that has witnessed many spectacular "stepping on a banana peel" falls by your author over the years. Brain to Andrew,"your feet are over your head, and this is going to hurt...." I've perfected the dancing bear shuffle. No falls this year, and its been a real challenge.

The forecast predicts rain for several days in a row. Melt, drip, melt, drip.

Unfortunately living here, you can't just assume April showers will bring May flowers. a) its still March b) March is when the High School sports tournaments happen, and in many Minnesota minds, that means the potential for major blizzards that dump dozens of inches of wet heavy snow. Reminding us that we are specks in the grand scheme, and God is in charge.
A March snow is Weather Whack-a-mo. Do not put the snowblower away till June.

So far so good, God, please keep the temps up, I'm ready to get in the yard and start digging. Need a week of sun though, or I'm afraid I'd lose a pair of shoes to the mud. Whenever it rains several days in a row I think of the novel by Ken Kesey, "Sometimes A Great Notion" It's set in Oregon, and it rains so much in the story, the wet becomes a character in the novel. Read this and you swear you hear dripping.

One of the aspects of being more conscious of getting older is the danger of walking outdoors. Driving along Golden Valley Road, and monitoring the icy sidewalks that I use to walk my dog Rescue (RIP Sept 2007) I really would not feel safe walking yet. This winter has been especially bad for ice. I'm really understanding why people move to AZ from Minnesota, more and more.

Let's see: Scorpions vs falling on icy sidewalks? Dry desert heat vs scraping ice off windshields.... I think I get it. I'm not saying I would do that, I'm just saying I get it more and more.

Julie suggested we start hiking as a recreation. It's a great idea, I pine for warm sunny dry paths to do that. I guess I've turned into a weather wimp.

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