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Monday, December 27, 2010

Yucca and the Pronuba moth  Julie bought me seeds for two kinds of Yucca plants - the one Yucca Glauca has an interesting story in that it is totally dependent on a little moth that seems only to exist to polinate this one plant. Without this moth it doesn't produce seeds. Also there's a map of the distribution and it goes right up the middle of North America, but NOT Minnesota. So I'm going to try and germinate the seeds she bought, and see what happens. I wonder if the moths would blow in from North Dakota to help? If I plant this in my yard, will my corner of north Minneapolis be more like North Dakota? Yikes, that might be more excitement than I could handle. */*

From the above link: THE YUCCA AND THE MOTH

There is a very special relationship between the soaptree yucca and a tiny, little white moth called the pronuba moth. Each different type or species of yucca has its own species moth that pollinates it. The pronuba moth is the only animal that pollinates the soaptree yucca and it doesn't pollinate any other kind of plant. Scientists have found up to 67 different kinds of insects on or using the soaptree yucca, but this moth is the only one that pollinates it. Pretty cool, huh?!

Yeah I think so but I'm a geek that way.

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