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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Minnesota Viking football - stadiums     The dome collapsed 12/12/2010 after the worst snow storm in 19 years.  So with no dome, the team is playing on Monday night against the Bears at Minnesota TCF stadium. Our football may stink, but we certain have the best stadium video of the year.

So Brett Favre is hurt, Tavaris Jackson is hurt, that leaves third string QB Joe Webb to enter the breach. The media has told us he's never started an NFL game, and the coolest temps he's played in is 40 degrees.    Joe jumping 7 tackling dummies.

All we know is Joe can jump. Good luck, God speed Joe.

OH, and the weather report for Monday night - the snow will start just prior to kick off, and will snow heavily throughout Joe's debut. 5-9 inches.

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