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Saturday, February 27, 2010

blogging.....tsunami's....fat fifty indulgences.

OK, I got on Facebook, then I started to Tweet, now I'm blogging. I started this to have a place to jot down ideas I have no where else to place. It's hard to think this isn't the most self indulgent thing I've ever done. Watching the cable news from Chili, and knowing a Tsunami is racing across the Pacific, makes all the grousing I've participated in about our long winter in Minnesota seem pretty lame. By way of introduction, I'm white male, Irish/Scottish/German/Finnish/Swiss (murky here argument that Great Grandparents were Jewish....) who knows, I was raised Roman Catholic during the hayday of Vatican II. Guitar Mass, my mother Sue loved her guitar masses. She gave full voice to song. She sounded like a burlap bag full of adult cats being beaten with a tennis racket. Racket is a perfect way to describe my mother's singing. I'm married to Julie, we have 8 boys between us. My 5, her 3. The youngest is 18 and a junior in high school.
Yes, that means we've been through 8 teenage years. I'm almost completely humorless about the subject of teenage boys. Also, I'm almost completely devoid of sympathy for teenage angst.
We're going to celebrate my wife Julie's birthday at a raw food restaurant tonight. One of my favorite writers is Calvin Trillin. He once said, "Risk in the 80's is going to a restaurant that hasn't been reviewed." :) I read the reviews on google. The people either loved this place, or despised it. Most of the rath was reserved for the staff, so I'm kind of excited to experience this.

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